Please Join Us For The Dr. Maya Angelou Estate Tag Sale!
When: August 6th, 7th, and 8th.
Where: 2716 Bartram Road, Winston-Salem, NC at 9 a.m.
Laster’s Fine Art & Antiques is proud to be hosting the sale at the personal home of Dr. Maya Angelou. The doors will open Thursday, August 6th at 9 a.m. and will run until 4 p.m.
The sale will include items from the late poet’s home such as artwork, books, furniture, and other household items. Every item for sale will have a price tag. There are many treasures to be found during this sale.
We will keep our Facebook page updated with photos in the next week so you will get an idea of the items that will be up for sale.
If you have further questions, please refer to the tag sale’s listing on EstateTagSales.net

I know you have been receiving many questions about Maya Angelou’s estate sale. I will be traveling from Jacksonville, Florida and would like to know if you believe I could even get into the sale because of the large number of people attending. It would be a great dissapointment for me to travel that distance, spend money at a hotel for a couple of days and then not be able to attend the sale.
Any help you can give is most appreciated.
Best Regards
This sale was very well organized and the people were organized.You could get whatever you wanted if you had the money it was a part of history and we loved it. I missed getting a red chair and some tall cabinets , someone beat me to them.
Just loved having the chance to walk where she and her guest had walk. Thank you Lord for a great lady.