We Buy & Sell

Have you been looking for sterling silver buyers? At Laster’s Fine Art & Antiques, we buy, sell, and consign antiques and high end furniture, fine art, local Salem pieces, sculptures, bronzes, and other fine items. We will pay cash for almost any item, but we will also work on consignment with our clients to get you the most for your items. Check out the list below to see some of the items that we are interested in purchasing. pottery coins
  • Fine American and European paintings, drawings, prints
  • Southern pottery, Jugs, Crocks, Figural bottles
  • Coins, Gold, Silver, Jewelry
  • Civil War photos, weapons, uniforms, buckles and letters
  • Fine Early photographs, daguerreotypes, stereo-graphs
  • SterlingĀ silver flatware and serving pieces
  • American Indian pottery, rugs, baskets
  • Early maps, atlases, globes,
  • Autographs of the famous, letters, documents pre-1965
  • Early American Paper money. bonds, deeds, grants
  • Fine oriental antiques, art, pottery, Netsuke and Inro
  • Sculptures of bronze, wood or marble
  • Fine and early books
  • Tall case clocks, corner cupboards, breakfronts
  • Sugar chests, Cellarettes, Huntboards, Chests of drawers
  • Cast iron banks, toys, vehicles
  • Early wind up and tin toys
  • Early bottles
  • World War II military items, Japanese or Nazi Germany, swords, guns, flags, helmets, daggers


  • Marilyn Garlow

    Have a number of John Furches numbered prints and wonder what the best way to sell them would be. I now live in Michigan.

  • Beverly Tolbert

    I cleaned out my moms house recently and she has a Burl wood campaign desk and was wondering what I should do with it , where to sell it ?

  • William Balser

    I have a Roi Partridge piece called Dancing Waters. I was wondering if that would be something you would want to buy?

  • Carol Sokola

    I have a Della Roberts original oil painting of seashells. The size is approx. 9″ x 10″ and would like to know if there is a market for this. Thank you.

  • Patricia Ann Herlihy

    Good morning
    I’m interested in the Joseph Santoro painting that you had for sale….is it still available?
    It appears to have some damage on the top of the painting….what is the price?
    Thank you
    Pat Herlihy

  • Judi Barbee

    I have a signed, numbered and framed Serigraph by Warren Woodwared. It’s called Winter Glen. I am having a hard time finding it anywhere on line to get it’s value. Can you help?

  • Pam Cochran

    I have cleaned out our attic and was going to see about selling things Ive saved over the years.
    Military uniforms
    Military pins
    Wooden standing coat /hat rack
    Brown drip two tone Pitchers , set of 3
    Cast iron bank
    Survery equipment from England. Dirtzel Hilger Watts
    Lional trains
    iron old Irons
    windows from the 1950s
    Kerosine ?oil lamps
    Grixella by Franconia/Krautheim grey Rose scalloped edge Fine china 8 place setting with 2 bowls and 2 platters dinner plate ,salade plate ,bread and butter plate cup and suacer.

    Enamel top pull out leaf farm table
    Budwiser light up sign
    Miller lite pub post light up sign
    Miller light pool table hanging light
    Imperial candle wick

  • Emily J Haskins

    I have jewelery from the 50’s and items from southeast Asia (Viet Nam era) I have some items that I think may be Ivory. I would like to make and appointment to have you look at some of these items to see if perhaps you would be interested. I have a Bible from early 1800 written in High German that belonged to my Great Great Grandfather. I am deaf so phoning is not an option. Please contact my son, Robert at 919 649 9780 or my email is emilyhaskins1@gmail.com

  • biff cole

    I have 3 Michael Chevals,

    1. “Initium” 24 x 14 oil, gold leaf on canvas.
    2. “Hypnos II” 24 x 14 oil on canvas.
    3. “Woman in Love” 12 x 12 oil, gold leaf on board.

    Do you have any interest?

  • Evelyn Smith

    I have two sets of cups, saucers, and plates from around 1930s:

    – Wedgwood Mount Holyoke College Teacups (7) Green
    – Wedgwood Mount Holyoke College Teacups (5) Blue
    – Wedgwood Mount Holyoke College Plates (3) Green
    – Wedgwood Mount Holyoke College Plates (3) Blue
    – Wedgwood Mount Holyoke College Saucers (4) Green
    – Wedgwood Mount Holyoke College Saucers (5) Blue

  • Evelyn Smith

    I have 4 bowls/cups along with 11 smaller bowls/saucers that are Jiangxi Zhen Jing China. They have gold trim and a hand painted landscape. They could possibly be from before the 1900s. They are in really good condition without chips or scratches.

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